
الاثنين، 5 نوفمبر 2018

Tips For Garage Organization Chesterfield MO Professionals Suggest Homeowners Try

By Virginia Anderson

Attics and garages tend to be dumping grounds for everything families only use occasionally, don't know what else to do with, or are afraid to throw away. There comes a point when parking vehicles inside the garages stops being an option. If it gets bad enough, someone in the family usually suggests getting organized and turning the garage into functional space. The professionals have some suggestions for garage organization Chesterfield MO families can take to heart.

Cleaning everything out of the space is usually the best first step. If you have a real mess, you should carve out a whole day to remove everything from the space, and divide it into piles. You want one for keeping, one for donating, and one for throwing out.

You have to be completely unsentimental about toys that are outgrown and projects you'll never get around to. It's a bad idea to put the donated items back for safe keeping. You should box them up and take them straight to the secondhand store. Trash should be hauled away immediately.

There are certain items that don't belong in garages. This includes propane tanks that can catch fire. They should always be stored outside. Paper products attract bugs and are best stored inside your kitchen pantry. The same goes for pet food. Possums and raccoons love it, as do rats. Old refrigerators and freezers use up a lot of electricity, and they can be deathtraps for young kids looking for hiding places.

If you store gas for equipment like gas powered lawnmowers, you must also keep a working fire extinguisher that has an ABC rating. This is what you will need for a wood, oil, or electrical fire. You should have a working carbon monoxide detector in the garage as well. It's a good idea to purchase an auto-stop if you have automatic door lifts. It can save a pet or child from being hurt if they run under a closing door.

It's a good idea to draw a quick floor plan before you start hauling things back into your garage. You should have like items, such as garden tools and plant food, near each other. Lawnmowers and other big pieces of equipment should be stored in corners and out of the way of cars. Putting as much as possible in cabinets and on shelving will free up your floor space.

You are going to need some storage supplies. You will definitely need a number of clear plastic bins to store small items. These are great for Christmas ornaments and lights and empty jars. You should consider purchasing a storage cabinet that locks. This is a good place for chemicals and other things you don't want your kids to get to.

It is easier and faster to find what you're looking for if you have things on open shelves instead inside cabinets. Shelves are easy to install and not very expensive. After you've completed your organization project, everyone should make it a goal to keep the space spotless.

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